It's likely that you have heard about SEO and know it is meant to help your business in one way or another.
- Did you know that Local SEO can help your business perform better in local searches and on Google Maps?
- Are you aware of the advantages of Local SEO VS. Standard SEO?
- Has anyone told you that you don’t actually need to spend a great deal to get new customers through to your business from Local SEO?

Regardless of the size of your auto-repair shop, Local SEO has been proven as a way to help your business generate more leads that stand a good chance of converting. The reason for this is due in most to the locality the lead and the social influence of your local marketing.
With Local SEO, you can get more bang-for-your-buck in terms of marketing return on investment.
More Localized Visitors To Your Site That Stand A Better Chance Of Converting
Would you like to increase the number of local visitors to your site? Of course you would. It makes more sense to work on attracting people who are nearby, to visit your website or auto-repair store. Not only can you capture their interest for today, but you could also convert that person into lifelong customers for your auto-repair shop.
Explaining the SERP, or Search Engine Result Page [Launch The Video]:
Save Time and Effort Spent on Marketing – Focus On Providing Better Service Instead
Using Local SEO as part of a digital marketing strategy can help you to focus on what matters most to your business. You can save time spent trying to work out what is working versus what is not. You will be required to focus less on trying to get to the bottom of complex reports and jargon dashboards, and get a clear picture of what is working.
Reduce your Overall Marketing Spend and Get Better Results
Yes, it’s true. Over time you can actually end up spending less money on your lead generation efforts while getting better results for your auto repair shop marketing.
One final point to mention is social media. Even if you don't have a social media strategy there are simple ways to generate real content. I’m sure every business owner has asked themselves whether it is really worth the effort, and whether it will actually help them get more business. If you use social media alongside Local SEO, you certainly will see the benefits, and it will help your business become more visible online, quickly.
Leverage Your Existing Customers To Build A Local SEO Foundation
We use tools like our Review & Reputation Management tool to help you get more reviews. Then, sending the positive reviews to your social media profiles, giving you a foundation of personal content on Google, Facebook & Twitter. These reviews boost your presence in Google Maps Searches.
Think of it like this, using social media for your business, is like sticking a turbo button on your website! When you are out there competing with others online, it is a tool that can really help to give you the advantage you need to win when combined with Local SEO!
Where do you start? Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you have a strategy to generate reviews online?
- Are you posting real content from your business on social media?
- Is your business listing online accurate and update to date?
- Does your website have a high Google Site Speed? Is it mobile friendly?
Get started today and get a Free Snapshot Report to see how you stack up.