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5 Email Templates For Auto Shop Service Follow-up

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Here are five templates you should be using for customer and lead follow-up. Remind customers of unsold services, ask for an intermediate service or check-up, touch customers that have not returned after many months, ask for reviews, and follow-up with new leads. Set these up as templates on the Hubspot CRM and quickly connect with prospects and customers.


Simple customer follow-up is the best way to increase car count. In parallel, nurturing your customers results in more repeat business, referrals and reviews.


email-marketing-for-auto-repair-shops-440507-edited.jpgTemplate 1: Service Reminders - Outstanding Recommendations

Subject: Customer Name, your vehicle has unresolved services.

Body: Hi Customer Name,

We want to remind you of a few important items that were not addressed at your recent service visit. Following are the notes we have:

We understand that you are busy and we want to make care for your automobile as easy as possible. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about these items or anything else.

If you are ready to schedule a follow-up service visit you can do so on our website, or call us.

Thank you,

Our Team


Due to the popularity of this article and the additional resources with non-auto repair shops - we had to remove the form linking to the additional templates. Apologies, but our CRM was getting messy with irrelevant contacts. If you are with an auto repair shop, we welcome you to reach out to us and we are happy to send you the additional templates. - Adam, Business Actualization Founder.