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Are Bots The QR Code Of 2017?

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Are Facebook Messenger Bots the next QR code? Will they come and go, creating hype but never delivering any real value to the marketer, the business or the consumer? Building a Facebook Messenger subscriber list could replace email marketing as the best way to re-engage previous customers or potential new customers. Or, will Bots come and go with some hype as the QR code did?

Text messaging as a conversation mechanism is finally being adopted by auto repair shops. Many shop management systems have built in limited functionality. Bolt-on and Autotext.me have added onto a management system to deliver the functionality. Facebook messenger could add a new opportunity for customer touch points. It will not be a replacement for text messaging but will over another option for communication. For non-service visit related conversations it is much less intrusive than a text message blast and much more effective than email marketing for a segment of your customers.


Bill DeBoer of DeBoer's Auto calls bots "the auto-attendant of messaging". As in an auto attendant phone systems that screen messages and free humans up from routine tasks like providing directions, fax numbers, or directing people to the appropriate department. They do exactly this. With a bot, you can text a message or send a Facebook messenger message to trigger a response or even perform a function like a search.

Will you adopt Facebook Messenger as a communication channel, or have you already sent messages to customers and leads via messenger? By building an audience with Facebook Messenger we can later send a marketing message to the subscribers. For example, instead of an email newsletter to announce a new community effort like a toy drive or blood drive, we can send a Facebook message. With the Bot customers can opt in to certain communication types - community, promotions, etc.


Facebook Messenger may be a fad, or just one platform of many in the chat space. It may not be as completely adopted as Email was or SMS (text messaging) is. Chris Cloutier of Autotext.me said it best: "As technology changes, and people start communicating with different technology we want to make sure we adopt that method of transportation for the message to the consumer." I know for a fact that many of the kids today will never create a Facebook profile or install Facebook Messenger. They will be on Whatsapp, KiK or SnapChat.

I'll add that click to message ads and adding Facebook Messenger to your website are two things you should be adopting. The low barrier for communication empowers leads and customers to start a conversation. Most sales start with a conversation. Even if it is a price question, chat allows you to respond to many leads with little resources. A bot could automate some of those responses.

Want to learn more? Click the chat icon in the lower right of your screen:
