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Auto Shop Stars Manage Their Reputation Through Active Engagement With Customers

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

1 min read

When was the last time you ate at a popular restaurant, only to be disappointed? Stayed at a hotel and had an issue with your room? Had a rental car with an inoperable feature? It happens to us all. It happens to all of them (The Restaurant, The Hotel and the Rental Car Company). So, how do some have hundreds of 5 star reviews, while others stink worse than yesterday's seafood special? 

Actively engaging each customer and giving them an opportunity to tell us about their experience. That's where the 5 stars start.

"A problem well stated is a problem half-solved." - Charles Kettering

If we only knew what the issue was, we could solve most customer complaints about an experience they had with our auto repair shop. The fact is, they are telling Google, Yelp & Facebook about their less than stellar experience because we are not asking. Solution: Ask every customer how you did. Sounds easy right. We are going to take it a step further.

Let's ask. If we need to improve let's address the customer directly. If we did well let's forward them to the platform they are connected to so they can tell the world.

Welcome to Auto Shop Stars.


Want to learn more? Reach out to us today!