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Can Put Your Business In Front Of 64,913 Potential Customers Per Day!

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

1 min read

It sounds too good to be true but here are the stats:

The first thing you may say is: “Only 41 clicks”

And I would say: “I put my company in front of 64,913 people $10.17″

Comparing the cost of pay per click advertising to any other medium is a waste of time. PPC is the without a doubt the most effective way to target your advertising and spend the least amount of money.

Consider a billboard that costs $2,000/month.

On a road with 60,000 passing cars per day. $.001 per impression. (One Thousandths)

64,913 people for $10.17. Seriously, it hurts that I have to do the math. $.0001 per impression. (One Ten-Thousandth) Are you smiling now?

Who is more likely to look at my ad? The guy going 60mph or the guy staring at the screen?

The best part I can advertise how, when and to who I want with no contract or term.

If you are not doing Pay Per Click advertising call me or email me.