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What are you waiting for to get into the social media game?

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

1 min read

To understand the importance of social media (facebook, twitter, linkedIn, YouTube, etc.) you may need to do some homework before you continue reading. Even if you are a believer this video can really help us grasp the impact.

Social Media Revolution Socialnomics 2011

I believe that marketing as we know it has changed. I am not talking about just canceling your ad in the yellow pages. Yes, a web site is important. The fact is the web landscape has become so vast that the time required to maintain an effective presence has become a full time position at many companies. How can a small business effectively deliver it’s message through this medium? It may make you miss the days of traditional medium. Remember when you only had to sit down with the yellow page guy once a year?

Most small companies understand that social media is becoming a key part of reaching customers. They may question the return on investment for their business model. The fact is that continuing to wait to develop an effective method to reach this medium is costing you money.