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The Best Email Marketing For Car Repair Shops

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Email marketing for used car repair shops usually comes in the way of an Automotive CRM Program. Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, is an important part of customer retention. The best CRM tools allow for email campaigns structured around all parts of the customer life cycle and help create strong relationships to nurture your customers and leads.

car repair shop email marketing 600CRM programs like Demandforce, Customerlink, and eAutoClub (Service Intelligence CRM) have email capabilities built in. However, these are not replacements to a fully integrated marketing platform. These tools still lack:

- Limited email design templates
- Not optimized for mobile devices
- Limited tracking
- Limited to customers in your shop management system
- No smart workflows to nurture customers and leads
- Lacks integration with landing pages and call to actions

These are only a few reasons Auto Repair Shop Owners seek a better solution. Programs like ConstantContact and MailChimp offer a few advantages in design, tracking and easy lead signup. These Email Marketing platforms lack integration with your shop management system, but the advantages are worth replacing your CRM's email capabilities.

The best email marketing platform should include:

- Limitless designs
- Responsive to mobile devices
- Awareness of all customers' interactions
- Easy signup on your website
- Smart nurturing workflows
- Integration with your website landing pages and call to actions

HubSpot offers a complete marketing platform for your auto repair shop. With everything a complete email marketing platform should have, HubSpot allows for a more complete approach to digital marketing. Email marketing is a small part of HubSpot, and the integration with your other marketing tools makes it a must have for your auto repair shop. Connect with us to discuss your best options for an auto repair shop CRM.