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Business Actualization Is proud to be a part of INBOUND 2014

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

The Inbound 2014 Marketing Summit will take place from September 15 through September 18, 2014 in Boston, Massachusetts. For those who are familiar with TED Talks, IINBOUND is the business marketing equivalent. Business Actualization, an auto repair shop inbound marketing firm, is proud to be a part of this years’ conference. Throughout the week, company representative, Adam Kushner will join other thought leaders in advertising to work on inbound marketing strategies for small businesses, including auto repair shops.

10681833_10201548986647003_1607545883_n-065276-editedHubSpot For The Automotive Industry

Inbound marketing for auto shops needs the assistance of an experienced marketing platform. HubSpot offers the ideal setup for independent repair shop marketing. At Inbound, Adam will meet with HubSpot representatives to discuss new features, including the ways he hopes to implement them into auto repair shop marketing. In addition to working directly with the HubSpot development team, Adam will also meet with other HubSpot partners to show them how he takes HubSpot’s tools and uses them for inbound marketing for repair shops. HubSpot is one of the biggest inbound marketing companies and when used effectively, small business inbound marketing can become more valuable.

Business Actualization Concepts

Adam is looking forward to sharing Business Actualization’s concepts with the other inbound marketing companies in attendance. He has taken basic inbound marketing strategies for small businesses and has transformed them into effective tools for independent repair shop marketing. This strategy has helped auto repair shops realize the importance of inbound marketing and how to more effectively use these tools to attract the right target audience.

Replacing Traditional CRMs

Traditional Auto Repair Shop CRMs can work well for many Automotive businesses; however,  progressive auto repair shops often require more attention to segmented aspects of an overall audience. Because auto shops often specialize in particular makes and models, it’s important to find an inbound marketing firm that specializes in these progressive strategies. For this reason, Business Actualization uses new technology in place of traditional CRMs to enhance the human connection between auto repair shops and their prospective customers.

Auto repair shop marketing must be handled differently than other types of inbound marketing. Through his attendance at Inbound, Adam will work directly with HubSpot professionals, as well as network with others in attendance, to show the importance of targeted marketing for auto repair shops. The four days of Inbound are filled with meetings, speakers and conferences, giving inbound marketing companies the tools they need to fulfill the needs of their customers.

If you are looking for help with your independent repair shop marketing, contact us. Business Actualization offers effective inbound marketing strategies designed with auto repair shops in mind.