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CallRail Copilot Is An Invaluable Auto Repair Shop Marketing Tool

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could quickly and easily obtain information about the caller on the other end of the line? The good news: There is an option you can add to your Google Adwords Campaigns, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Website and all other digital and traditional marketing efforts to gather important information from your callers without asking them questions. The CallRail Copilot is a powerful tool that offers in-depth consumer information about your callers so you can better tailor your sales pitch to their needs.


Call Intelligence For Small Businesses

Your Inbound marketing hinges on tailoring your content to the needs of your customers. However, how do you know what your users are looking for? Unless you ask them specifically, you may not fully understand who your callers are or what they really need. It’s not all about repairs to their cars in the auto repair industry. Other information about your users can be beneficial in further improving your marketing  and making the connection to your sales team. With the help of the CallRail Copilot, you can gain access to information similar to Enterprise solutions without the high cost associated with them.

How CallRail Improves Conversion Rates

The end goal of all your marketing is to attract more individuals to your business and potentially convert them into customers. CallRail Copilot makes this process easier than ever. When someone calls your business, the dashboard will search the Internet for valuable information connected to that telephone number. You will know who you are talking to with full caller ID data, identify how the caller has interacted with your website, how they found you and where they are geographically. You can then take that information and implement it into your marketing efforts, further increasing the number of conversions you obtain. When customers receive personalized attention, they will remember you.

Keep A Communication Paper Trail

The sales process can be long and drawn out, even when everything goes perfectly. One of the greatest benefits of using CallRail Copilot in conjunction with your HubSpot CRM is the ability to track your communications with each prospective customer. You will see how often you have called them and they have called you. You can also determine how often they visit your website, which pages they view and whether there has been any email correspondence. Even social media activity is reported. All of this information can help you identify the best ways to connect with individual customers forming a strong relationship that leads to repeat business and referrals.

The auto repair industry often has to work harder than other industries to set their business apart from the crowd and reach out to their target audience. In addition to Inbound Marketing, the new CallRail Copilot can be a great tool for any marketing plan. With real-time updates and instant information, your sales team can better tailor your marketing plan to reach your prospective customers where they are looking. This is the ideal way to expand your business and keep your name at the forefront of your customers’ minds.

If you’re looking for help with tracking your marketing efforts, contact us. Business Actualization can help you find the best ways to reach your target audience and attract more business.