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Common Objections To Recording Video For Auto Repair Shop Marking

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Leveraging video to market your business is extremely important and it should be your primary focus in 2017. Do not fail to start leveraging video due to these common objections.

Video Transcription (Edited): Leveraging video to market your business is extremely important. It is something that we have been focusing on for 2017. I just wanted to cover some of the primary reasons that we find that people object to using video in their marketing or just recording a video and getting it to us so we can leverage it.

The primary thing is that people don’t like to be on camera. When we see ourselves talking or speaking it’s very easy to overanalyze ourselves and to knit-pick at the presentation. It is a very human thing when we see ourselves on camera; we are the only person who sees ourselves in that way. Get in front of the camera and record video. Maybe get a second opinion as to if the delivery was ok or if the presentation came out ok.

Some of the other things we see are that people want to promote their products and services and then we lose touch with the human element. We end up focusing on cars pulling in and out of the service bay, a technician working on a car, or broken things on cars. Then we lose touch of the human element which is a service advisor interacting with customers, handing the keys to a customer, opening the door for a customer, or the business owner introducing the business and talking about who you are and what you do. It is the human element and the face on the camera is what people resonate with.

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The last thing is that it’s hard to get it right. Between lighting, background, sound, presentation, and the delivery of the script. It is difficult and challenging but the more that you record video, the more comfortable you become with it, the more that you find those areas that work to record your video, and the more natural you get at being in front of a camera.

I definitely encourage you to make 2017 the year of video. Get in front of the camera, get your employees in front of the camera and start practicing!