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Connecting Telematics & Auto Shop Inbound Marketing

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

The then and now of automotive service and customer follow-up. Connecting Telematics to Inbound Marketing is the future of connected car service. The disconnect between an automotive service provider and car owner can be solved. Inbound marketing provides a way to remove this disconnect in a car repair shop’s marketing. Telematics will connect you to a customer’s car allowing for a complete shift in a consumer’s perspective automotive service.


Let’s visualize a scenario of the connected car service experience:

Mary’s BMW was in for service a month ago for an intermittent drivability issue. The repair shop “scanned for codes” but no diagnostic data was found. A technician drove her car and did not experience the issue. The shop did not have any service records, neither did Mary, so they recommended a Tune-up service. This was to include Spark plugs, a Fuel Filter and Transmission Service among other items. Mary said that said she would think about it.

A week passed and Mary’s drivability issue continued to concern her. She did some research online and found that your shop offers a new approach to diagnosing a customer’s problem. You offer Telematic Devices that will monitor her car’s onboard diagnostic systems. Mary finds out that instead of an upfront diagnostic fee, which she already tried, you can connect her car. When the issue occurs you can access the data and actively help pinpoint the issue.

Mary brings her BMW in and gets connected to your shop. A few days pass and the diagnostic data starts flowing in. You can see that issue only occurs on a few roads Mary travels on, and only at certain sections of the road. You consult with Mary about the road conditions and are able to recreate what she experiences. After providing an estimate and completing the repairs you reassure Mary that you’ll be continuing to monitor her BMW for any concerns. But, you’re confident you conclusively resolved the issue.

When Mary left she had a gameplan for maintenance. She knows that you are not going to estimate the mileage she drives and blast her with emails and postcards. She’s connected and you can communicate with her is a much more human way. A few weeks pass and a workflow is triggered to nurture Mary into an evangelist customer. You follow-up with her, ask for a review and engage with her automatically through your inbound marketing automation.

When Mary is in need of service you remind her of the benefits your repair shop offers. You show her Facebook and Instagram ads that communicate the culture of your company. You remarket to her via Google Adwords in case she goes looking for other options. Lastly, a Service Advisor receives a task to Call Mary and ask for the appointment. Your Marketing has touched Mary many times and she is sold on your shop. She schedules an appointment and returns for service.