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Critical Marketing Mistakes I Made As An Auto Repair Shop Manager

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

In my 15 years of auto repair shop management, I've made some critical marketing mistakes, but I've also learned from them. One of the biggest auto repair shop marketing mistakes I made was spending too much time toiling over the perfect advertising medium instead of putting my effort into establishing relationships with my customers.


How Relationship Building and Customer Interaction Increase Your Chances of Conversion

I've found that the 'Trusted Advisor' relationship retains the most customers. My clients called my service advisors and sales people first in case of questions or emergencies. I made it a priority to know my customers' worries and preferences in order to anticipate additional sales opportunities or offer special products. Customers knew they could call me for any automotive issue.

 I asked my customers about their vehicle's performance frequently, not just at the service counter when something had gone wrong. I knew when my customers had a concern because sometimes there were moments of hesitation in communication. I always met these moments with an inquiry:

  • How was your last service? 
  • How is your vehicle running now? 
  • What else can I do to earn your business and trust?


Strategic Inbound Marketing

Successful marketing strategies for my car repair shop clients didn't end after the advertisement ran out. None of my successful car repair shop marketing campaigns lasted only one day. It was the potential customer data I needed. Information I obtained through the contact forms on my website, email newsletter sign up, direct mail responses, coupons redeemed and Customer Loyalty Programs rewarded me with much more marketing potential. I could target more customers by way of strategic inbound marketing than one-size-fits-all ads. As I learned more information about my customers, I could respond with advertising specific to the customer's needs.

 As my digital advertising opportunities grew, I chose to use a true auto repair shop CRM to connect with customers. The automated marketing system gave my sales people more in-depth knowledge to advertise my shop's services to my potential clients and built the 'Trusted Advisor' relationship to retain customers.

 If you are interested in implementing some of my time-tested strategies, sign up for a free analysis of your marketing plan. Business Actualization offers the latest services and  products for successful auto repair shop marketing.