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Customer Follow-up For Auto Repair Shops: Demandforce VS. Autovitals

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Over the years we have watched the auto repair shop CRM evolve. Starting with post cards stored in a folder to send at a later date. Then using Google Calendar synced with a shop management system to send reminders. Customerlink was born and so was the monthly expense for an auto shop CRM. Next, Demandforce capitalized on the demand present and grew like rust in the salt air. Kukui was the last to enter the spotlight. From here auto repair shop CRM options have multiplied rapidly. So, is it really a question of Demandforce vs. Autovitals? 

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In a February 2015 article Ratchet+Wrench quoted a Google study stating that "98 percent of all vehicle owners say they do not receive follow-up phone calls or emails from their regular shop for service and maintenance reminders—the most basic of CRM communications." So it is obvious that there is a lot of work to be done. Every repair shop should be doing customer follow-up.

The question remains, do you need a true auto repair shop CRM to communicate with your customers? Is a human follow-up or reminder more powerful? Does someone at your business have the bandwidth to manually follow-up with every customer? Would the monthly fee for a customer relationship management software be better invested into a part-time employee that can call every customer post service visit and pre-next service?

There is a list of the Top 50 Technology Tools and Software Platforms for Auto Mechanics and the Top Auto Repair Software Products. Bolt-On is listed on both, but no other auto repair shop CRM's are listed (we excluded Shop Management Systems that include CRM functionality). 

Before you choose Demandforce, Kukui or Autovitals as an auto repair shop CRM, ask yourself if a canned process or solution is right for your shop and your customers. Start with the basic features you need, not a so called complete package. Then don't go live until you are sure your customers will get the message you intend to send.

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