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Digital Tablet Inspections For Auto Repair Shops: Autovitals Vs. Bolt-On

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

1 min read

The birth of the tablet or digital inspection process is not a new thing for auto repair shops and dealerships. The inspection process is as old as the industry itself. Will incorporating a digital inspection process in your shop work? Will it help or hinder productivity ratios? What will the customer response be? Which company has the best digital inspection product? These are all questions to ask as you evaluate the options.

AutoVitals and Bolt-On are definitely not the only players in the digital inspection process space. AutoVitals seems to get the spot-light. Other vendors offer solutions that are scaled down, with only the features you need to test the process in your shop.

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Let's get back to the question at hand: In a versus match up, who wins? And, is there value in digital inspections and workflow management? Is your shop ready for it?