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Driving Sales Through Inbound Marketing: Bill DeBoer's Bold Moves On Hubspot

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Building Real Marketing Assets:

Imagine investing in your marketing with the realization that every day your dream marketing machine is getting stronger. Your marketing assets are growing and concerns about SEO, SEM & PPC have been resolved by your Inbound path.

Meet Bill DeBoer of DeBoer's Auto. Bill started his journey on Hubspot with Business Actualization in 2014.

Here are the facts:

  • Bill increased by website leads by 200%
  • Website visitors increased by 70%
  • DeBoer's Auto had a 20% increase in gross sales


Bill DeBoer - Husbpot Inbound marketing for auto shops


Inbound Marketing: Providing value through your marketing efforts - Attracting new customers and nurturing existing customers with content.  


Bill DeBoer: “We’ve grown about 10 percent and the flip side, is that it’s lowered our advertising costs.” 

“I’m building out digital assets on the Internet for myself, I can spend $300 blogging or $300 on a newspaper ad. The difference is that next month, I still have $300 worth of blog material out there. With the newspaper ad, the money is gone. As I build out these digital assets, they just pay dividends on top of each other. That stuff is evergreen content, it’s always going to help people be found by us. It’s like building out real estate on the internet for myself."

Read More in the February 2016 Ratchet & Wrench Article.