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Facebook Ads Can Be Effective at Targeting Your Auto Repair Service Customers, Old and New

Posted by Melanie Fortier on |

3 min read

Reaching the right customers is one of the biggest challenges auto repair companies face, especially if you only offer service for certain makes and models. If you want Facebook advertising that generates new customers, you need to find ways to reach the right people. Using Facebook for auto repair target marketing can be quite effective if you take the right steps in developing and implementing your strategy.

Set Goals for Your Facebook Marketing Strategy for Auto Repair

The first step in finding effective ways to target auto repair and service customers through Facebook marketing is to set the goals for this aspect of your marketing strategy. With the different advertising options available through Facebook, you can set up several marketing campaigns designed to appeal to different segments of your target audience. This means you can reach more people by tailoring various advertisements to their specific needs. The right ads are more likely to show up on correct news feeds so you can make a great impression on the most prospective customers.

Segment Your Target Audience

target-marketing-through-facebook-business-actualization.Facebook is a valuable asset to target auto repair market customers and prospects because it allows you to segment your audience and tailor advertisements to each group. When you set up your marketing strategy on this platform, you can choose to reach only those within a certain demographic sector or location. You can even segment your audience by interest, which can be useful in reaching only those who own certain types of vehicles with promotions relevant to their needs.

Another important factor in segmenting your audience is focusing on specific behaviors. Unlike other marketing platforms, Facebook advertising allows you to determine set behaviors which can trigger your ad to appear in someone’s news feed. This can be a valuable tool in reaching prospective customers who may be searching for a repair shop to handle their auto repairs and maintenance.

We go a step further and target your existing service customers with ads in their news feed.  Even if they do not already like or follow your page these customer will see you ad as if it was a normal facebook post.

Few other advertising methods give you this level of control over your target audience. target-marketing-through-facebook-business-actualization

Analyze Your Success

Once you know how to target car repair and service customers, you must pay attention to the performance of your ads. This allows you to see whether your ads are attracting the right audience and how many conversions each ad produces. If you notice poor performance in one segment, you can make adjustments to your strategy or the advertisements themselves to improve your chances of success with your Facebook auto repair marketing efforts.

Using Facebook advertising that generates new customers is one of the best ways to grow your auto repair business. In the auto repair industry, it’s essential to reach specific people to ensure the individuals who are most likely to need your services can find you. Facebook makes this task easier so you can increase the number of customers who rely on you.

If you are looking for help with Facebook marketing and want to attract new auto repair and service customers, contact us. We can provide assistance in creating and implementing an effective marketing strategy to all segments of your target audience.