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Focus On Page Views and Unique Visitors, Not Your Alexa Traffic Rank

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Want to boost traffic to your auto repair website ratio? The best strategy is to focus your auto repair marketing efforts on your number of page views and unique visitors — not on increasing your Alexa rankings. Why? Alexa itself says it best. The company admits its algorithms will not accurately rank sites that have low traffic measurements. If a website enjoys a ranking near the top then yes, its Alexa rating will probably be quite reliable. If not, though, the rating essentially becomes less valuable. 


Why Alexa Statistics Don’t Tell The Whole Story

Statistics are only as accurate as the data available. Alexa will not accurately rank websites that log a low number of users (in other words, have less traffic) because, as the company clearly explains, it doesn’t obtain adequate data to make statistically meaningful rankings for sites ranked 100,000-plus.

For instance, the traffic difference between a website that ranks one millionth and a site that ranks two millionth is low in statistical significance. Sites with rankings of 100,000 and higher often experience ranking fluctuations because there is little data about those sites. It’s common for low-traffic websites to drop to a “no data” ranking — or, conversely, to dramatically improve. The rankings at this level simply aren’t reliable.

Why Alexa Rankings Should Not Be The Focus Of An Auto Repair Shop

By registering on the Alexa Rankings platform, a business can obtain certified rankings. That means that there could theoretically be millions of sites that generate heavy web traffic but don’t get favorable Alexa rankings.


From Alexa:

Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.

For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired

Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.

Better Options For Accurately Gauging Auto Repair Website Traffic

If you are determined to manage your auto repair website with an eye toward Alexa rank, then by all means, get Alexa Certified Results. Otherwise, these results are simply not a reliable indicator of your digital marketing efforts. It’s far better to focus your auto repair marketing efforts and your attention on Hubspot marketing grade, and actual unique visitors and page views.

Do you find this Alexa Ranking information a bit puzzling? Deciding where to focus your marketing efforts can be tough. Your strength is providing outstanding auto repair service. Our strength is helping independent business owners succeed by providing targeted marketing strategies. Contact us and we’ll provide you with your Marketing Grade and an evaluation of your marketing strategy that delivers an actionable strategy.

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