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Hire Frederick Brings a New Level of Targeted Marketing For Local Auto Repair

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Have you met Frederick yet? Your auto repair shop lives and dies by booking appointments and keeping service bays full. Frederick is just the guy to fill the voids and keep your cash register ringing. The question isn’t really, “Who is Frederick?” but rather, “How can I make the best use of this highly targeted marketing for local auto repair known as Hire Frederick?” Read on to learn exactly how your auto repair shop can increase business with Frederick’s data-driven marketing approach. “How does Hire Frederick increase small business revenue?”.


Meet Hire Frederick: Your Marketing Automation Platform for Auto Repair

Most are well aware of this simple truth: Empty service bays means lost revenue. Your skill is providing outstanding vehicle maintenance, repair and customer service. Hire Frederick’s skill is using a complex algorithm to pinpoint precisely when your service bays will be empty. But Frederick doesn't just pinpoint problems. He finds solutions by implementing a highly targeted local marketing campaign that will drive customers to your shop and fill your service bays.

Generic Reminders? Most Customers Trash Them

Frederick works in tandem with your shops’ existing management system to deliver personalized, effective text and e-mail marketing campaigns. Think about your own experience as a consumer. How much attention do you pay to mass mailed reminders and marketing campaigns? Whether you receive them via snail mail or your email inbox, you probably place them in the category of “junk mail.” On the other hand, when you receive targeted solicitations and reminders that make you think, “Oh yes…I really need to address that," what do you do? You probably don’t throw them away. You likely follow up and are thankful for the helpful reminder to do so.

Why Frederick is Not Intrusive

Hire Frederick’s repair order integration system reaches out only to customers with unsold work orders and pending service recommendations. Therefore, it’s completely relevant to customers who receive the communications. Hire Frederick gives Demandforce and Mitchell Bolt On a definite run for their money and promises to surpass these tools. It also complements inbound marketing strategies on Hubspot by communicating only relevant information, and only to customers who actually need specific services. Hire Frederick is highly targeted and provides a useful service to shop owners and vehicle owners. It’s a true win-win for shops and drivers.

If you are having trouble keeping your service bays booked, targeted marketing strategies like Hire Frederick can help. Contact us. We will take charge of your marketing efforts so you can focus on what you do best: repairing and maintaining vehicles while keeping customers happy(and driving revenue to your auto repair shop).

New strategies and platforms like Hire Fredrick are not proven - But, are viable options to implement Growth Hacking within your auto repair shop