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How automotive shops use the Hubspot Daily Prospects Report

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

The Daily Prospects Report shows you who is visiting your website. Hubspot uses the visitor's IP address, sometimes getting the name of a business if it is a public IP. Rarely, the name of the individual, but at least the network that they connected from.


Here's an example: If you are connecting through Verizon and you are using your cellphone, we don't see the IP of the cellphone or the name of the person who owns the cellphone, what we see is Verizon as the network that they connected through to get to your website.

Some of the additional information that is included in the Prospects Report includes how many pages someone has visited from that network or that business, and how many visits they have made to your website. This is useful information because we can start to understand the interests of the people that are visiting your website, and the persona that we are attracting.

A good example would be: People that are connecting from Fortune 500 companies, universities and businesses that will support an employee that is at a $100,000-$400.000 income range – these are going to be desirable customers. We use this information to further develop our persona.

Using the daily prospects report, we can understand the types of visitors that are visiting our website, and how many times they have visited our site. This is the first step in the data that we track on the Hubspot marketing platform - once these visitors convert, we have all of the page views and the sessions (or visits) to our website, and we have a wealth of information to understand who that person is and how they are interacting with us.

The daily prospects report data continues its life in the contact timeline of an individual prospect on your website. Then taking the data that starts in that daily prospects report, it becomes the contact timeline of an actual human being that we have an email address for and that we can connect to social media accounts, market to them on Facebook through email marketing, perform lead scoring, track the life cycle and life cycle stage of that contact to a conversion, and then into a customer, nurturing them after a service visit or purchase.

Reach out to us for a tour of this data within a live account.


Ebook - Inbound Marketing For Auto Shop Growth