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How Inbound Marketing Solutions Help Small Business Increase Their Performance

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

You could attempt to handle your own digital marketing. Or, you could hire a marketing firm to manage it. You could do these things. Read on to learn why you absolutely shouldn’t if you want your marketing campaigns to generate tangible results.


Why Using An Inbound Marketing Platform Is Smart

Simply put, Inbound Marketing will significantly increase the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing dollars. Leveraging a inbound marketing platform serves as an organizational hub for all of your digital marketing efforts (in other words, all of things you do to increase the number of people who find your website organically). Your inbound marketing probably involves blogging; capturing leads; posting videos, e-books, and social media content; sending follow-up e-mails; etc. A digital marketing platform allows you to create and publish your content, track what is and isn’t working effectively, and, most importantly, generate a cohesive marketing campaign. Without it, your inbound marketing efforts are unrelated pieces. With it, the pieces fit together and complete a puzzle.

Compelling Statistics

We’ve explained that inbound marketing for a small business organized around a digital marketing platform can “significantly increase your ROI.” Specifically, one study using data from more than 5,000 HubSpot customers concluded that: 

  • 92% of companies that use inbound marketing enjoy increased website traffic. 30% of HubSpot users saw traffic increase more than 100%.
  • Results don’t take long, either. 85% of companies reported increased traffic within 7 months.
  • 93% of companies using inbound marketing increased leads. 38% of HubSpot users increased them more than 100%. 


A Happy Business Actualization Client: A Tool To Streamline An Auto Repair Shop’s Marketing Strategy

Bill DeBoer, owner of DeBoer’s Auto Sales & Service in Hamburg, N.J., discovered the concept of inbound marketing in 2013 as he researched ways to jumpstart a period of sluggish growth. He decided to redirect his marketing budget from outbound marketing (third party lead providers, newspaper, TV and radio ads) to inbound marketing.

DeBoer worked closely with marketing us to enhance his website and regularly generate useful content (blog posts, ebooks, social media posts, newsletters, videos and more). It’s requires an investment, but Inbound Marketing makes it possible and confirms his efforts are paying off thanks to detailed reports. HubSpot tools allow DeBoer to pre-schedule posts, group posts thematically and accomplish much in a short period of time. In fact, he says he spends only about 30 minutes in the system - it’s that efficient.

Since launching his HubSpot-driven inbound marketing plan two years ago, “sluggish” is no longer an adjective DeBoer’s uses to describe his company. Website visits have increased 70%, leads 200% and the number of website visitors downloading e-books or viewing inventory has doubled. Despite this tremendous turnaround, his advertising costs have actually decreased. 

Inbound Marketing is a smart investment that yields ongoing benefits, DeBoer says. Digital assets such as those he creates and manages on HubSpot “pay dividends on top of each other. That stuff is evergreen content [that’s] always going to help people find us. It’s like building real estate on the Internet.”

If your small business is ready to implement a targeted, effective inbound marketing strategycontact us at Business Actualization. Bill DeBoers is just one of the many small business owners we’ve turned into a true Inbound Marketing believer.