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How To A Run Next Level Marketing Campaign For Your Auto Repair Shop

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Marketing like the pros takes a lot of work- you can take a few steps to leverage Google and Facebook, and have some marketing budget left over. Hopefully, this article will at least get you moving in the right direction! If you are really trying to get your name in front of people, you will want to set your sights on where they spend most of their time while on the internet, Facebook and Google. Next level campaigns start with strategy and leveraging best practices for each platform, so let’s lay down a solid foundation for your digital marketing.


Before we get into the nitty-gritty of what you want to do on Facebook and Google. Let’s take a brief and basic lesson in Marketing 101. As you know, you will want to know who your customer is and an in-depth understanding of what your product is- meaning what makes your product/service different from your competitors, why should someone give you their business, etc. From here, you will want to start thinking about what your campaign should be, do you want to highlight a new feature, or are you just looking for brand awareness? Knowing your goals and being able to track them is more than half the battle.


Even with a minor set back, “We sell ads, Senator.” - Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, is pushing for more video content. So, with that being said video ads are the best way to go when trying to reach the most amount of people the best possible rate. Now, do not go in and just throw your money away- this is very easy to do. You will want to narrow in on your targeting. That way your potential customer can see your ad at least 2-4 times, so you are at the forefront of their minds. This narrow targeting has allows us to see costs of $.01-$.04 per view! Video can be daunting, but there are cost effective ways to create awesome content.


Now, Google has many different avenues but if you want to market like the pro’s you will want to create a Google My Business Page (You can view our guide by clicking here) and you will want to start a Google AdWords account. In our experience, these two avenues currently have the best ROI for Google. Both Google My Business and AdWords take some work to deploy and optimize. You can leverage them both to get more exposure in local search and with video content on the Google Display Network.


If all of this seems just way too daunting do not worry- you can get started today with our Facebook Marketing and Adwords Jumpstart programs!

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