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How To Create A Blog Post On Your Auto Shop's Website

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Blogging May Not Be On The Top Of Your Marketing List, We'd Like To Change That

A blog powers your SEO. Search engines look for valuable content. Without new relevant content on a regular basis, you are under performing. In 2011 a study revealed that 68% of small businesses are blogging


In 2015 it is a fact: You must create content to have an effective digital marketing presence. If you aren't, you are at the mercy of 3rd party sites like Yelp, Demandforce Directory Listings, Repair Pal and the rest that are using your customers to create content on their sites.

It does not have to be a "blog". New content can come in any form: video, images, infographics, tips, how-to's and many other formats. Let's focus on the ones that can fit inside a blog post.

Need some inspiration? Check out these blog examples from Hubspot:

Step 1: Keyword Research

Use a keyword research tool, like this one from Hubspot.

Step 2: Draft Your Content

Create your content answering the questions customers would use that include your keywords.

Step 3: Use Images Or Video

Check out Canva for easy image creation. Wistia for awesome video resources. 

Step 4: Use Call To Actions

Call to who? Yes, you need more than a contact us or schedule service form. Learn more about CTA's.

Step 5: Share Your Content

Use a social sharing tool like this one from Hubspot to get your content out there. Consider Facebook ads that target your customers or vehicle owners in your shop's local area.

Some pointers to make the best of your blog content:
  • Include images of your staff or business.
  • Do not use stock photography. 
  • Create content that you would recommend your good customers read.

Congratulations! You are a few steps closer to taking control of your SEO. And, are on a path to long term sustainable marketing. Content Marketing is more cost effective than Paid Search Marketing or directory listings. Take back control of your marketing presence.  Want help?  Reach out to us!