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How To Optimize Wordpress (AutoVitals & AutoShop SOLUTIONS) Websites For auto Repair Shops

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Selecting a website platform for your business is a tough choice. It's easy to select the most common website platform, WordPress. Even some of the most well know website companies in the automotive niche have done so (Autovitals and Autoshop Solutions). But, is WordPress right for you and your internet presence?

Consider that WordPress is the most common website platform on the planet (74.6 Million Websites are using it). Wordpress.com has only 229 people supporting the technology. Official WordPress Support is operated by volunteers. The software is composed of multiple layers to accomplish the final website you see in a browser.

autovitals-auto-shop-solutions-websites-on-wordpress-711648-edited.jpgThe Layers Of A WordPress Website:

The WordPress Core WordPress files into two groups – the core files and the content files. Core files make up the appearance and functionality of the WordPress platform, and content files are added by the user in the form of themes, plugins, and images. (wpsupergeek.com)

Plug-ins & Widgets - Plugins are ways to extend and add to the functionality that already exists in WordPress. The core of WordPress is designed to be lean and lightweight, to maximize flexibility and minimize code bloat. Plugins then offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs. (wordpress.org)

Themes - A WordPress Theme is a collection of files that work together to produce a graphical interface with an underlying unifying design for a weblog. These files are called template files. A Theme modifies the way the site is displayed, without modifying the underlying software. (wordpress.org)

Although the core software is usually updated once a month, some plugins can have daily updates. These must be updated to reduce security risks. Autovitals and AutoShopSolutions use plugins and widgets like YoastSEO, Gravity Forms, and Twemoji to add in capabilities WordPress lacks. As the WordPress Core is updated, it can create complications when themes, plug-ins and widgets need updates. This can also result in things getting out of date, exposing security vulnerabilities. 

WordPress is also a database driven website platform. This makes it a great choice for Ecommerce (selling products online) and membership sites (like training programs). For an auto repair shop this database driven functionality is rarely needed. So, is WordPress (which runs Autovitals and AutoShopSolutions websites) right for you and your internet presence?

Optimizing an Autovitals or AutoShopSolution website is really a matter of optimizing your WordPress Core, Plug-in's/Widgets and Theme. Sometimes this is as easy as minimizing images, other times it is spending time inside of the YoastSEO Plug-in. Yoast even offers this as a service.

Optimization Tips For WordPress:

  • Choose the Right Hosting Plan
  • Use a Fast WordPress Theme
  • Monitor Your Plugins
  • Reduce Post Revisions, Drafts, Spam, Pingbacks and Trackbacks
  • Optimize Your Images for the Web
  • Consider Not Using Official Social Media Buttons & Widgets


If you'd like to run a quick diagnostics on your website we can help. Reach out to us for a FREE evaluation of your website, online reputation, local search performance and social media presence.