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How To Optimize Your Website (Beyond SEO)

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

There is no website platform that performs "SEO" out of the box. There is also no way to put "SEM" on cruise control. So, let's dive in and see what you can do to optimize your website and search marketing.

The Basics:

  • SEO or Search Engine Optimization - Per MOZ's definition "SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results." 
  • SEM or Search Engine Marketing - Search Engine Land defines it as "SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the process of gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on search engines." 


Accomplishing SEO:

  • Creating content relevant to the services you offer that are unique and not duplicated from page to page or to other clients your provider services. Copyscape is a great tool to check your content. 
  • Having a good Google Page Speed Score - Anything under 70 is a red flag. 
  • Following SEO Mechanical Basics - Page Title, Description, Link Structure, and Non Text Content.
  • Local Search Optimization - Name, Address and Phone number available near the top of your pages.

But, even if your website follows all of the SEO basic's, it needs to be relevant to rank. This means that search engines look at factors like how people view your content, comment on it and share it. SEO and SEM were once a blanket term used for organic and paid search strategies. Today they are two separate endeavors.


The Basics Of SEM:

  • Website Remarketing - Serving ads to previous website visitors.
  • Audience Targeting - Serving ads to previous customers, people like your most profitable customers, and to people in the market for your services.
  • Search Campaigns - Bidding on the search terms your potential customers enter into search engines.

In conclusion, the best way to optimize your website is not limited to the platform itself. It expands to how you are leveraging the best practices in SEO and SEM to avoid red flags in your digital marketing strategy.

We work directly with many clients to help them optimize SEO and SEM. Connect with us and have a conversation about how we can help you boost your digital marketing’s effectiveness.