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How will Google Glass create innovation in the Automotive Industry?

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

The BMW augmented reality video demonstrated ground breaking technology for the automotive repair industry. In the video the technician is provided with step by step instructions for a repair procedure. In the video the augmented reality system instructs the technician where to place the hardware and any removed parts. The ability to communicate with a human being through wearable technology will improve the quality and consistency of any procedure. Google Glass will allow these concepts to become a reality. 

An open programming platform based on common programming languages will create a climate rich for rapid application development. With more than 250 applications in the Google Glass applications library it is evident that as the user-base grows we will continue to find ways to improve our lives through devices like Google Glass. We can assume that the initial Glass users include members of the aftermarket repair industry as well as automotive manufacturers. 

wearable-tech-for-auto-repair-shopsThere are many applications for this technology in the car service and repair industry. From the augmented reality BMW concept to monitoring employee performance and customer engagement, Glass is revolutionary. Will automotive repair information companies like Motor and Mitchell adopt development for Google Glass? Will Dealer Management Systems find a way to improve workflow with it? 

In these early stages of this new wearable technology, there are many unanswered questions. Even before putting a pair of Glass on my head, my mind is racing with possibilities.  Greg Buckley recently demonstrated his ideas at Buckley's Auto Care.  Read the complete article here.

Leave me a comment below with how you think Google Glass will be implemented in the Automotive Repair Industry.