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In Market Buyer Targeting On Google Adwords

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Unless you’re a marketing guru, you probably find it difficult to keep track of all of the new features and upgrades Google comes up with. Sometimes it seems like there’s a change or upgrade every week. That’s why, even if you’re familiar with Google AdWords, you may not be familiar with a relatively new feature called In Market Buyers.


If you’re in business and want to prioritize your advertising and marketing efforts where they count most (ie: where the most promising potential customers are likely to see them), it's in your best interest to educate yourself on this helpful feature. Google launched it in late 2013, but did so with virtually no fanfare or publicity, leaving users and marketers to discover it for themselves. Unless you’re someone who’s likely to pick up on subtle Google changes, there’s a good chance you may have missed it.  If you are running an Adwords campaign, you may not know if your PPC Management Company is implementing it.

What is an In Market Auto Repair or Used Car Buyer?

The term may sound technical but it actually means just what it says. An “in-market buyer” is a buyer who Google has determined to be “in the market” for a particular product or service. You can find these in market buyers in AdWords under the Interest Categories tab. There, you will see a listing for “in-market buyers (ROI).” The in-market buyer targets highly qualified customers in buying modes rather than “online window shoppers” who visit certain sites often as part of their habit and routine rather than because they are ready to make a purchase. It’s interesting to note that Google flags people who look at certain sites less often, rather than more often as the most promising potential buyers.

How Can a Business Make Use Of In Market Buyer Targeting?

Market buyer targeting on Google adwords is a smart way to find customers actively researching services or products supplied by the automotive industry (including automotive repair shops). Currently, the in-market buyers feature is limited to specific niches. At last, businesses can benefit from Google’s ability to discern consumer patterns and use them to drive ROI. The ability to pinpoint web browsers who are likely to buy the product or service you sell, in the near future, is a huge advantage! You can turn these serious shoppers into customers by reaching them with promotions and campaigns that convince them to act. You can save time, money and energy by not pursuing “window shoppers” who don’t appear to be in any hurry to make a purchase.

Car Expert, Not Google Expert? Relax and Call Us

If you really want to get the most out of your marketing and advertising dollars, don’t try to be a jack of all trades. Instead, partner with the marketing pros at Business Actualization. We know how to help auto repair shops maximize the returns on their marketing investment.

We have been using In Market Buyer targeting since Google introduced the feature. Contact us and we’ll take your marketing to the next level.

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