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Key Takeaways From The 2016 Ratchet+Wrench Management Conference

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

4 min read

As you would expect from a magazine that has built a following of the top operators in the Automotive Aftermarket, the conference was packed with the best minds in our niche. To say this is a conclusive list of takeaways would be a tragedy so please join the conversation on LinkedIn and Facebook where we can continue the collaboration. I will say that this is a brief summary of a few key takeaways from the sessions I sat in on and the top shop owners I was able to connect with.

Auto Repair Shop Owners Find That The Lack Of Skilled Technicians Is An Epidemic Our Industry Is Facing. In a panel discussion, industry experts discussed recruiting techniques, mentorship programs and the importance of representing our career path as one with excellent opportunities.

ratchet-and-wrench-management-conference-technicians.jpegMitch Schneider (moderator), James Snider, Wayne Watson, Billy Hillmuth, & Rissy Sutherland Sat In On A Panel To Discuss "How to Avoid Falling Victim to the Shortage of Qualified Technicians"

To Attract & Retain Customers Auto Shops Must Look Outside Of Traditional Marketing Methods. We can grow our auto repair shop's by investing in our brand and engaging with current and potential customers in a more human way. Community involvement has proven to be successful for many shop owners in attendance.

ratchet-and-wrench-marketing-takaways-772515-edited.jpegTom Knapp of Toms Tire & Repair is completely re-vamping his digital presence after the conference.

Adoption Of Telematics Will Be One Of The Next Major Challenges We Face As An Industry. We must see adopting this and other new technology as a way to set ourselves apart as progressive thought leaders. Working along side industry trade groups to be involved in our accessibility to information will allow us to use Telematics to grow our businesses.

File_000_6-min-520354-edited.jpegChris Chesney (moderator), Jim Dykstra, Martin Kruszelnicki, Rissy Sutherland, & Bill Connor Sat In On A Panel To Discuss "The Future of Auto Care: Evaluating Technology’s Increasing Impact on the Auto Repair Process"

Leveraging A Digital Workflow Has Proven To Be Successful For Many Repair Shops, But It Is Still Not A Fit For All. A digital inspection process has proven to be successful for many operators. Many in attendance have not implemented this technology successfully. Two digital inspection platforms were in attendance, they represent a small fraction of the options available for a digital workflow

The Best Practices For Leveraging Social Media Are Not Clear To Many Auto Repair Shops. The value of leveraging social media is apparent to all as an effective way to reach current and prospective customers. Creating a voice and effectively touching the correct audience remains to be a hurdle for most shops.

Generating Reviews And Managing The Online Reputation Of An Auto Repair Shop Continues To Challenge Most Shop Owners. Every one in attendance sees value of positive reviews on sites like Google, Yelp & Facebook. Most still fall short when it comes to an effective method to generate, promote and manage online reviews.

ratchet-and-wrench-agenda-000071-edited.jpegThe Ratchet & Wrench Management Conference was one of the best events I have attended in the past few years. The collaborative feeling within the community of attendees was amazing. Though I attended as a Sponsor, I have many takeaways for my families auto repair shop. Consider this a living draft, not a complete summary of the valuable insight I received at the conference. Join me on LinkedIn or Facebook and let us continue the conversation.

Thank you to the Team from Ratchet+Wrench Magazine and 10 Missions Media. I look forward to 2017!