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Make Auto Repair Shop Marketing Interesting - Part 1

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Auto repair shop marketing is made more interesting by adding the human element. Get in front of a camera and leverage a camera to make our marketing a little bit more interesting, a little more human.  

Video Transcription (Edited): I wanted to run through a couple things just off the top of my head that I really feel really make automotive repair shop marketing interesting. How do we make what we do interesting enough that somebody is going to look at the ad when it goes through their Facebook Timeline or watch the video that is auto-playing?
It really is the human elements, it is the culture, and it is the people in our business. As an owner of an automotive repair shop, getting in front of the camera, introducing yourself, maybe talking about your warranty, talking about your loaner car, your shuttle service, talking about how you have all A-Technicians, all ASA Certified Master Technicians. When it is a human that is talking about it and how they care about and why it is important then I may start to care about it.

be-your-own-brand.jpgMore than a little blurb in an ad about ASA Certified Technicians or an ASA logo, that as a consumer does not really mean anything to me. We talk about things like AAA approved automotive repair and Bosch certified shop and maybe there is little value to the consumer because we have to just put a sign-up and we put the logo on our website. Let’s talk about why it matters to us. Why did we become an AAA approved shop?  Why did we become a Bosch certified shop? Then it is going to be a little more interesting and has more value to the consumer.

Some of the things we can do with marketing, getting a lot of video shot, a lot of images shot, in the front of the house if you will. Service Advisors interacting with customers, handing keys to customers, opening the car door for a customer, and talking about when you drop your car off for service, what that process looks like. Some of those very easy things that we can do to get in front of a camera and leverage a camera to make our marketing a little bit more interesting, a little more human. It will really have much more effective touch points with our customers and with our prospective new customers.