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Marketing For Saab Authorized Service Centers

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

1 min read

We are excited to be working with Saab authorized service centers in rolling out marketing efforts. 


Video Transcription (Edited): We are excited to be working with Saab authorized service centers in rolling out marketing efforts. With all the re-branding and content that is available from Saab and Orio right now, rolling out that message is easier than ever.

VLOG-Marketing For Saab Authorized Service Centers (1).pngThrough digital marketing campaigns such as touching existing Saab owners in your geographic area, targeting customer acquisition focused on some of the message of the airbag recall, some of the warranty work and the parts availability, and targeting those Saab owners, you are able to bring them into your shop. I am personally very passionate about Saab and I have had a long history with a family business focused on Saab and Volvo cars. I have owned many Saabs over the years and I have a picture of one of the Saab 9-3 Viggen’s that I owned on the email campaign that I am running and some of the social media posts. So I am definitely in-tune with the Saab ideal demographic, of the customer you want to attract to your shop, and also how we can touch them through your digital marketing. I invite you to reach out to us. We would be happy to run through some of the things we can do help you with customer acquisition with Saab owners.