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Mistakes Auto Repair Shop Owners Make: Waiting To Make A Move

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Mistakes Auto Repair Shop Owners Make: Waiting To Make A Move

As the old blacksmithing adage goes, “Strike while the iron is hot.” That’s good advice for any business, including an auto repair shop. When an opportunity arises, you’ve got to seize it. Not all opportunities will pan out as you had hoped, but in the wise words of Henry Ford, “Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary for a worthwhile achievement.” If you want your auto repair shop to thrive, take chances and be willing to try new auto repair marketing strategies; just don’t do nothing.


If You’re Not Moving Forward, You May As Well Be Moving Backwards

Here is a major reason why a small business should always be implementing new marketing campaigns: Just because your shop is busy now does not mean you may not have slow times. When you experience a lull in business (and no matter how successful you are, it may happen), you’ll be a step ahead of the game if you have planned ahead and have a fresh new marketing campaign ready to go. The time to plan your next successful marketing campaign is now. The time to plan is not when business inexplicably has slowed and you’re worrying about how you’ll make payroll.  

Marketing Strategies For Auto Repair Shops

Implementing a winning marketing plan takes time. A marketing plan is multifaceted and implemented in stages rather than all at once. The goal of marketing is to increase awareness and name recognition of your business. That takes time and repetition. That’s why your marketing plan should be fluid and on-going versus stagnant. A marketing plan is a culmination of efforts that may include a combination of online marketing to target Internet shoppers, billboards and signage, radio and TV spots, direct-mailing & facebook ads and special email marketing promotions. Each facet requires strategy, planning and then implementation. In other words, launching a marketing strategy takes time. Reaping the benefits of that strategy takes even more time. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you should be doing today.

Step One: Know Your Customers And Your Goals

If you’re behind the eight ball in terms of marketing, wringing your hands and worrying won’t solve anything. Rolling up your sleeves and getting to work will. The first step in developing winning marketing strategies for auto repair shops is to get to know your shop’s competition, potential customers and local demographics. You can’t market effectively if you don’t know who you’re trying to reach. Similarly, you can’t reach your goals if you don’t know what they are. Do you want to increase your preventive maintenance business? Do you want to sell more tires? Do you want to keep your bays full? Identify your target audience and goals and then get busy devising a strategy.

If you’ve been neglecting your auto repair shop’s marketing strategy, contact us today. Business Actualization is in the business of helping small businesses like yours realize its full potential now, and into the future. We’ll help you craft winning marketing campaigns designed to take your business to the next level.