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Ranking Organically for Keywords Can Take Time; Luckily There Are Ways to Get Some Quick Wins

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Improving your search engine rankings is important to the future of your auto repair shop.  The first step is determining how to rank for auto repair keywords.  The fastest way for many businesses to improve search rankings is through a pay-per-click campaign that allows you to closely monitor your keywords. However, there are many other tools you can use to improve your organic rankings as long as you take the time to choose the right keywords. 


Choose the Right Keywords

The right keywords are essential to your rankings. For starters, you need keywords related to your auto repair business. Make a list of potential words and phrases. For example, if your shop specializes in BMW repair, focus your list on ranking for BMW repair keywords. Use the free Google Keyword Planner to test your rank for BMW repair and related keywords. The most commonly searched words can provide greater benefits than those with lower search numbers. WordTracker can also help you choose the right keywords. Hubspot has an awesome tool built in.


Check Your Competition's Keywords

While it may seem counterproductive or unethical to look at what your competitors are doing, it can help you improve your own rankings. Check which keywords other similar businesses are using and how much traffic those keywords generate. Consider using those words for your business, along with your geographic location. This will boost your local traffic, which is important for auto repair shops.


Use Keywords Correctly

Once you have created a list of potential keywords, you need to implement them into your website, blog and other marketing materials, including your pay-per-click campaign. Your landing page can be a good place to start with a few new paragraphs containing your keywords. Make sure you keep your writing fresh because search engines place significant emphasis on quality. 


Other Ways to Improve Your Rank

Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, is an important step in the process without costing additional money. The more often your readers share your website or blog posts, the more traffic you will obtain. Create a company Facebook page or blog that uses your keywords and includes links to your site. As you continually learn how to rank for auto repair keywords, you will see the importance of using various tools to achieve the results you want. However, posting a steady flow of quality, relevant content will provide the best results.

Your rank for BMW repair on Google and other search engines may not improve immediately or even over the next few days. However, if you spend the time in choosing the right keywords and use the analytical tools available to you, you can work toward improved rankings. Many companies don't understand how to rank for auto repair keywords. Because some of your competitors aren't familiar with the proper use of keywords and how to improve their rankings, you can put yourself one step ahead, driving more traffic to your business.

If you are ready to boost your organic rankings, contact us. We can help you make a difference more quickly to increase your traffic and your sales.


Ebook - Guide To Auto Shop PPC Marketing