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Stop The Scroll And Get More Engagement From Potential Customers On Facebook

Posted by Mike Maccarino on |

1 min read



You have less than 2 seconds to make an impression on Facebook before your content is scrolled off the page. Gone are the days that you are able to get someone’s attention with just a line of text. It is also important to note that people process visual content easier than text. As business owners or marketers we want to get in front of potential new customers. The best way to do that inside of Facebook is to either publish a photo with some text. Or if you really want to keep their attention upload a short video- the key word here is short.

We have found great success with our advanced Facebook video ads, reaching thousands of people for just cents on the dollar.




Not only is it important to try and get your video in front of as many prospects as you can. You also want to get your video to that same person multiple times. As the saying goes, Out of sight, out of mind. As you can see from the image above, we were able to get our client's video played by the same person almost three times!

When you partner with us, not only do you get to utilize our Advanced Video Marketing but you also get to take advantage of our proven targeting. Catch the eyes of new prospects and remarket to previous customers turning them into repeat business. If you made it this far and you are pumped to take advantage of Advanced Facebook Video Marketing but you don’t know where to start- no worries just click here and we can get you started on a 90-Day Facebook Jumpstart.

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