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The Auto Repair Advertising Platform is Evolving: It's Time to Take Advantage of Inbound Marketing

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

It goes without saying that your business has a marketing budget, and the goal of that marketing program is to enjoy the highest possible return on investment (ROI) for each dollar you’ve earmarked for the cause. In the past, shop owners spent the bulk of their auto repair marketing dollars on local radio, newspaper, TV ads and billboards. Many shops still use most of their marketing dollars on these outbound marketing tools. Savvy shops, however, are realizing that inbound marketing delivers a faster, higher ROI.


What is Inbound Marketing?

Unlike the outbound marketing tools noted above, which clamor for consumers’ attention in a crowded environment full of similar messages, inbound marketing involves content that educates and informs. Insightful and informative blog and social media posts, videos and ebooks are all examples of inbound marketingThe value of consistent content is that it draws customers to your website and business in an organic way. Additionally, it is evergreen and ever present. A newspaper ad is valuable for the amount of time a consumer keeps that newspaper. Online content remains on the internet and accessible to your potential customers who are seeking information on those topics.

Ask Bill DeBoer: Small Business Inbound Marketing Techniques Work 

Bill DeBoer, owner of DeBoer’s Auto Sales & Service in Hamburg, N.J., discovered inbound marketing in 2013 after his shop survived the 2008 recession but remained stagnant when the economy rebounded. He had reduced his marketing efforts during the recession to save money and wanted to learn what new marketing platforms had gained popularity during his marketing hiatus. He identified inbound marketing as a smart, cost-effective tool. “It helps your business get found in an organic way that brings customers to your website and social media pages where they discover more of who you are,” he explained.

Data Doesn’t Lie

Inbound_Marketing-For-Auto_repair-Shops.jpgIf you invest money into this marketing approach, you’ll be interested in measuring your marketing performance through inbound marketing. Until then, consider DeBoer’s experience with this proven tool. After working closely with marketing firm Business Actualization to enhance his website and populate it with regularly updated informative, interesting content that his customers are most apt to search for online, he has enjoyed tremendous results. Since launching his inbound marketing plan two years ago, visits to DeBoer’s website have increased 70% and leads have increased 200%. Arguably the best part about this undeniable success? He hasn’t had to increase his marketing budget. In fact, he has been able to reduce it.

If your shop has had the same marketing and advertising plan in place for years and you’re underwhelmed by its ROI, it’s time to make a change. Inbound marketing is efficient, cost-effective, exciting and revolutionary. Contact us at Business Actualization to put this innovative platform to use growing your business.