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Get The Best ROI with Google Adwords

Posted by Mike Maccarino on |

2 min read

Let’s face it there are plenty of ways to play the AdWords game. There are avenues out there that want you to spend time and money on training so you can leverage AdWords yourself. Or if that isn’t the route you want to go down you can buy one of a dozen different programs to optimize your AdWords campaigns, but these can run anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand per month. You can also hire a marketing company to build and manage your campaigns. So, what are the best practices for Google AdWords advertising for an auto repair shop?

For a small business owner, that kind of monthly overhead could be the difference between having the lights on or not for that month. Not only is AdWords expensive when not implemented properly, it is WAY too time-consuming to manually build and optimize campaigns. Shop owners have more to worry about than if their ad is getting high enough conversion rate and low cost per click.


Luckily, there is an option that will save you a ton of time and give you the best ROI. Hiring marketing professionals is going to be your best bet. The reason is that creating ads and worrying about conversion rates is one of our main focus. You can worry about everything that goes on in the shop - we focus on making sure your ads are getting in front of as many people for the best possible price.

Backed by our machine learning software, we are able to analyze the competition and strategically bid on the ad space when their budget runs out. Since there is a high chance that they are just slapping an ad up, they are probably running through their budget early in the day. This allows us to come in at a lower cost per click and to have that top spot more times throughout the day.

We like to compare the bidding strategy to what a strategic used car buyer would do at an auto auction. At the start of the auction day, the competition is fierce because everyone’s available budget is high. Waiting for the right cars to come through the auction lanes at the right time when the competition’s budget is exhausted allows for the buyer to extend their budget throughout the course of the day and spend less per vehicle.

With our tools and knowledge, we are able to making sure your investment has the maximum return. Our goal is to grow your business by making people aware of your exceptional service and to keep new and existing customers coming in!