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The digital dashboard is broken: How to cut through the noise and grow your auto shop.

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

You cannot purchase a solution that creates results. 

You cannot pay someone else to grow your automotive shop. 

A fancy dashboard to show you the ROI of your marketing dollars is disconnecting you from focusing on the actions that will create sustainability.


Today a client of Business Actualization told me an incredible success story of social media marketing. It is not a story about paying someone to curate content for you. It is also not the story about tracking leads and conversions to the revenue generated through a digital dashboard.

It is a story about a human being that just happens to own a car. It's about how that car unexpectedly broke down. When this person called their automotive professional the response was to take care of them and the problem they encountered with their vehicle. The owner of the automotive repair shop went to the Gym parking lot to wait with the customer while the tow truck arrived.

He took a picture of the broken ball joint, and the awkward looking wheel sticking out from the vehicle. He posted this to social media with a brief description of what had occurred. The social media thread resulted in three new customers from the Gym.

These are not results that you can pay a marketing company to create for you. These are not results that you can track through a digital dashboard. This is what you have been doing since day one to grow your automotive repair shop.

It's time to cut through the crap the industry has been serving us. Digital dashboards can be noise when they are not action oriented. It's time to follow what vertical industries are doing that can be successfully applied to the automotive repair shop. It's time to be inspired by the leaders within our industry that are taking the road back to sustainable auto shop growth.

Stop shoveling coal into the furnace. Stop watching your marketing dollars burn away every month. Start building real marketing assets and engaging with your market and your customer.


Ebook - A New Facebook Marketing Strategy For Auto Shops