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The End Of The Auto Repair Shop CRM As We Know It

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Remember the days before CRM's and digitial review platforms like: Yelp, Demandforce, and CustomerLink? Customers would write us reviews on a piece of paper and mail them to us, or give them to us at their next service visit. We would put them in a binder and have them in our lobby for new customers to read.

Then came the digital review platforms. And it seems that the way people behave has fundamentally changed. We can't even get our Evangelist customers to submit a review on the digital review site from the comfort of their home. Maybe the customers that write letters are no longer the bulk of our customer base.

How do we train our team on the importance of developing a digital relationship with our customers? The same way we created the culture that built our businesses. We lead by example. This week I challenge you to communicate with as many customers as possible ― digitally. Tweet them, Like their Pins, Friend them on Facebook and Instagram. Show your staff the steps to a digital relationship.  

Our industry has changed. The power has shifted from the individual consumer to the directory platform. Now they are leveraging the power of your customers. In some cases for monetary gain for their businesses, or coupons all over your website homepage. They are taking the path of a digital relationship. Taking advantage of the fact that you have not.  

I predict that that is all about to change. These directory sites that are not impartial, that are charging you to leverage your own customers, are going to fade away. I believe that the shop owners who take ownership of the path their businesses must take will succeed.

I predict that the power will shift from the directory site to the local business. For now, it is up to every auto shop owner to make a decision. Are you going to attempt to pay to rank? Or, are you going to shift your investment back to where it once was ― investing in yourself, your company, and your employees so that they can invest in your customers?

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