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The Future of Google Glass for the Auto Repair Industry

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

Google Glass technology could be revolutionary for the auto repair industry. These glasses allow users to wear a computer headset that you wear like a pair of glasses. This hands-free device can make technology incredibly accessible and more functional in regular tasks. Although the software still needs to be developed, auto technicians will be able to use this advanced technology to provide their customers with quality care the expect in the repair and maintenance of their vehicles.

How Does It Work?

Google Glass is a new technology existing on an open programming platform that can be customized to meet the needs of the user. There are a vast number of applications and programs already available for this device with more being developed every day. Some of the new programs will feature automotive applications for Google Glass. Once users load the applications and programs they require, the software will work through the detection of eye movements, voice commands and a touch pad. This can provide mechanics the benefit of a hands-free approach to gathering information to determining the best method of making a repair as well as feedback direct to the service advisor and customer.

A Great Tool for the Auto Repair Industry

wearable-technology-for-the-auto-repair-indusrtyCurrently, this wearable technology for auto repair can only perform a few simple tasks that can make life easier for mechanics. Instead of taking pictures with a bulky separate camera, technicians are able to take pictures and videos instantly using Google Glass to show exactly what they see. In addition, they can use voice activated text programs to take notes on necessary repairs and maintenance tasks.

While this Google wearable technology doesn’t yet feature specific automotive applications that integrate fully into a mechanic’s workflow, the potential is there. Imagine giving mechanics instant access to repair manuals and wiring diagrams without referencing a computer screen. This could all be possible with the development of automotive applications for Google Glass. Eventually, automotive technicians could even communicate with their customers quickly and easily without picking up a phone or sitting down in front of a computer to send an email.

Technology is rapidly changing and auto repair shops need to keep up in order to remain competitive. With this new technology, the potential to streamline automotive repair processes is right around the corner. The future of wearable technology in auto repair requires the development of new applications and the adoption from auto mechanics across the country. With time and further advancements to this technology, the possibilities are endless.

If you are looking for innovative ways to market your auto repair business and stay on top of the latest advances, contact us. Our experienced team can help you create an effective plan to attract more customers and nurture your existing clients.