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Video Is A Must For Engaging And Converting Visitors Into Leads

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Video marketing gives you a strategic edge over your competitors. Simply posting videos on your website isn’t enough, though. That is a step in the right direction, but for video marketing for your small business to truly be effective, it must be pursued as one piece in a much larger marketing plan.

The Importance of Tracking Conversions in Your Video Marketing

Simply having a website will generate leads for your business. To take full advantage of those leads, you’ll need to be able to score them to identify which are casual website visitors and which are qualified leads you need to follow up on. Adding video will bring more leads. Your challenge is to analyze these video leads in combination with your broader marketing strategy. As with any marketing tool, for video to have the biggest return on investment, you’ve got to track conversions. A couple of ways to do that are:

Creating video categories so your evaluations of lead capture rates are more meaningful. You’ll know which categories are most successful so you can focus on creating those types of videos in the future.

Incorporating videos into your lead-scoring algorithm. This gets more complex, but you can simply evaluate drop off rates in the video timeline.

Use Annotations with links to other content and a call to action at the end of the video.

Create a Turnstyle to ask for the prospect's name and email.


What Marketing Analytics Reveals about Using Video

The main thing analytics reveals about using video as a marketing tool is it works. A recent survey of more than 600 marketers concluded more than 80 percent consider video a valuable tool for online marketing. How many of those reported video positively affected their business? More than 80 percent!

Other analytics tell the rest of the story. The length, substance, and tone of a video has a huge impact on how viewers receive it. The shorter the video, the more likely a viewer is to watch it in its entirety and absorb its message. When given the choice of reading a block of text or clicking a video to get the same information, more than half of website visitors go with video. A widely quoted and accepted statistic from Forrester Research is a minute of video footage is as valuable as 1.8 million words!

Partner with a Pro

If some of this marketing jargon leaves you with more questions than answers, you’re not alone. The field of inbound marketing changes almost as quickly as the automotive technologies you encounter each year. To be successful in both marketing and auto repair, you’ve got to stay abreast of the latest trends and incorporate them into your business. You have plenty to keep track of in your industry. Instead of trying to keep track of the latest marketing strategies, partner with us. We’ll keep your marketing efforts on track and relevant. Contact us today and we’ll explain how we can help you convert leads to sales with video.

Watch our recorded webinar and learn more about how our clients are implementing vdeo marketing.