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Using "Google My Business" to Manage Your Auto Repair Online Reviews is Easy and Effective

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Online reviews are extremely important to the success of many businesses because they show prospective customers the value of their products or services. Google reviews are one common place consumers go to leave their thoughts on auto repair shops. However, this leaves you wondering how you can manage your auto repair shop’s Google reviews. The answer is simple. Google My Business helps you effectively manage auto repair shop reviews for a more positive outcome.


Put Yourself In Front Of Your Customers

When you first sign up for Google My Business, you will enter your business’s contact information. This information will automatically be submitted in various areas of Google, such as Google+, Google Search and Google Maps. When your auto repair business appears on these sites, your name will be put in front of more customers, allowing them to leave reviews and find out more about the services you offer. You can also add photos, virtual tours of your shop and additional information about your business.

How Google My Business Can Help

Have you asked yourself, “How can I manage my auto repair shop’s reviews?” recently? If so, Google My Business can help you learn how to manage auto repair shop Google reviews with just a few simple steps. If you aren’t sure whether this service can help you better manage your own reviews, consider these scenarios:

  • You are looking for ways to combat negative reviews.
  • You want to manage your online presence.
  • You are looking for ways to out-perform your competitors. 

If any of these bullet points are on your to-do list, it's time to consider what Google offers.


Get Involved With Your Reviews

Don’t be a passive viewer when it comes to your Google reviews. It is best to get involved to ensure your customers get the level of attention they desire. For instance, don’t hesitate to invite your customers to share their feedback about your auto repair shop. After all, those who have a less than ideal experience are far more likely to leave a review on their own. In addition to inviting satisfied customers to leave reviews, you should also respond to any reviews left for you on Google, whether they are positive or negative.

If you are not taking steps to manage your Google reviews, you could be missing an opportunity to connect with prospective new customers.  However, once you take an active role in your reviews, you will realize the importance of proper review management to ensure your success. With the right steps, you can manage your Google reviews to help prospective customers gain a clear perspective of the level of service you can offer.

Stop asking yourself, “How can I manage my auto repair shop’s reviews,” and start taking action.


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