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Voice Is The Future Of Search

Posted by Mike Maccarino on |

2 min read

The smartphone has revolutionized the way that we consume the internet, anything you need to know at any given time is right there, for me sitting right in my pocket. We are now on the cusp of how people find information. We are now seeing a significant increase in voice search- think of your virtual assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri. Personally, for me, I have two echo dots in my house and Siri is with me everywhere I go!


BA - Voice Is The Future Of Search


This past holiday season demonstrated that amazon echo (and it’s different variations) were one of the top selling items to gift. You might be wondering why this relates to you, the auto repair shop owner. We found that 46% of voice searches look for a local business, daily. Of this 27% will then visit the website after conducting the voice search. (source: Brightlog)


If you haven’t already, you will want to start making your SEM (Search Engine Marketing) efforts with Google Ads or Bing Ads to be voice search optimized. That way when people are searching for local businesses near them, you will come out on top. We expect these numbers to grow as more people buy more smart devices in their homes. So make sure you are geared up and ready for when voice searching is in the majority. 


Don’t know where to start? Schedule a Free 15 minute consultation, today!


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