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What is Custom Intent Audience Targeting for Google Display Ads?

Posted by Sam Tigyer on |

2 min read

In the digital age, an online marketer has a large tool belt with a variety of tools that all serve niche purposes to help expand your business and its customer base. It’s no secret that Google has a vast amount of information about the hundreds of millions of users that choose to use it every day, but as a business owner, being able to use this wealth of information is important in narrowing down your target audience and reaching potential customers.

Google Ad’s custom intent audience targeting is one of the many tools that Business Actualization uses to increase your shop’s ability to reach potential new customers.

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So, what exactly is this tool, and how does it work? Custom intent audience targeting is a tool that is used to segment Google search engine users by the keywords they use when searching for similar websites to yours, otherwise known as your competitors

Think of it like buying a suit; you can buy one off the rack that will fit “well enough.” It gets the job done, but there is compromise and the sleeves are just a little too long. This is Google’s predefined audience segmentation, which uses filters such as geography, age, and search history among other things.

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Now imagine a well-tailored, customized suit that fits you perfectly without compromise. This is Google’s custom intent audience targeting, which still uses the predefined audience segmentation, but goes a step further by loading in specialized keywords and similar websites.

This is important to auto repair shops because everyone’s car needs are different and don’t fall into predefined segments; being able to narrow these segments further allows you to reach relevant customers when they are most likely to be in need of your services.

At Business Actualization, we tailor and customize your Google Ads experience and advertising campaigns to pinpoint members of your target audience. We’re leveraging one of the targeting methods this audience type supports reaching people searching for your services.

We can help Google understand who your ideal audience is by loading your competitors into Google Ads and then Google uses machine-learning technology to analyze your existing campaigns and automatically create custom intent audience suggestions. We know what your customers are looking for, and put your Google ads in front of them.

Ready to get started with advanced Google Ads? Connect with us today.