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Why HubSpot And BusinessActualization Are Not At AAPEX

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

The Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo, or AAPEX is the premier automotive aftermarket trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Every year automotive vendors gather to show off their new products and collaborate with their users and potential new customers. This year HubSpot launched their Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM). This CRM could replace many automotive repair shop specific products that will be present at AAPEX - yet HubSpot will not be represented there.

hubspot-is-missing-at-aapex-131801-editedThe traditional automotive repair CRM is focused on communicating with a vehicle. This includes service reminders and maintenance reminders that are vehicle specific. They may also provide appointment reminders and reminders of unsold services. None of these communications are targeted at the actual human being that owns and drives the vehicle. This is what sets the HubSpot CRM fundamentally apart. This is probably why HubSpot is not represented at the AAPEX show. HubSpot is not an automotive company, nor is its primary interest in communicating with cars. HubSpot is a company focused on enriching the lives of the human beings that are touched by your marketing.

What really makes the HubSpot CRM so much different than offerings from companies like Demandforce, Kukui, eAutoClub and the like is that the HubSpot CRM is not an out-of-the-box, ready to launch solution.  Implementation requires a commitment to fundamentally change the way you are running your repair shops marketing. You must decide that if you truly want to differentiate yourself from your competitors you will need to go back to what has historically been so successful for you – focusing on your customers - the human beings that are driving your business forward.

hubspot-at-aapex-2104-256829-editedBusiness Actualization is a HubSpot Gold Partner focused on the automotive repair shop industry. We will not be at AAPEX either.  We are on the ground floor of a marketing and sales initiative that will change automotive repair shop marketing forever.  We are in the trenches working with our clients to connect them to their customers like never before. If you are ready to be part of the next generation in automotive repair shop marketing, then join us for the birth of a new way of implementing an auto repair shop CRM.  Sign up to get on the waiting list and be one of the first automotive repair shops in the country to gain access to the HubSpot CRM and a new way to market your services.

If you did not make it to AAPEX this year then set up a time to share a screen with our team and see something that will change the way you do business forever.

Register For Early Access &  A FREE Demo Of The HubSpot CRM