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Why The Automotive Industry Is Wrong About Effective Marketing Strategy

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

The auto repair industry is one of the most competitive because of the large number of repair shops, as well as the reputation independent repair shops have obtained due to unscrupulous business practices by a few. However, when you use effective marketing tools, you will find you can generate more leads and bring in more customers. Unfortunately, many shops aren’t using the best marketing strategies that work for auto repair shops.


Why SEO Works in the Automotive Industry

Ranking for the top search terms for auto repair shops isn’t easy, but don’t be discouraged. This doesn’t mean SEO tactics are useless in reaching your target audience. However, it’s best to combine it with other effective marketing tools for the best results. There are several marketing strategies that work for auto repair shops online. To ensure your success, you need a quality website that attracts attention, an informative blog to offer interesting topics prospective customers want to read and a social media presence to help you communicate with customers and prospects. When you include the right keywords in these elements you can make SEO work for your repair shop.

What Are You Missing?

One of the most effective marketing tools for auto repair is video marketing, but it’s also the one most repair shops overlook. Video has become a powerful Internet marketing tool in recent years as users are looking for faster, more convenient ways to gather the information they want. Despite the fact videos are more popular among many audiences, few auto repair shops are taking advantage of them. For this reason, an auto repair shop that implements videos into their marketing plan is more likely to see better results from their online presence.

Mobile Is The Marketing Of Tomorrow

Today’s auto repair shops can benefit greatly from reaching out to a mobile audience. After all, when individuals experience car trouble, they are more likely to be on the go than sitting at home in front of their computer. The increasing use of smartphones and tablets to access the Internet from anywhere makes it even more important for auto repair shops to take a mobile approach to marketing. While your website will still attract a target audience, of all the marketing strategies that work for auto repair shops, mobile deserves your attention.

Reaching the right people is integral to the success of todays’ independent auto repair shops. Finding the most effective marketing strategy and tools for auto repair will ensure you attract an audience that needs the services you offer. If you’ve been going about your marketing the wrong way, it’s not too late to start making changes toward a stronger online presence to attract more customers.

If you’re looking for effective marketing strategies for your auto repair shop, contact us. Business Actualization offers marketing services tailored just for the auto industry.