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Why We Are Sponsoring The 2018 Ratchet & Wrench Conference

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

The Ratchet & Wrench Conference is an annual conference held by Ratchet & Wrench, a magazine for automotive repair shop owners. This year it will be held on September 20-22, 2018 at The Westin Lombard in Chicago, IL. 2018 will mark the third year that we have sponsored the event and we couldn’t be more excited.


Here is why we keep coming back and why you should consider attending:


Networking With The Best Auto Repair Shop Owners

This is the bread and butter of the conference. It is all about meeting one another to help each other grow. During the two day event, there are hours devoted to just networking.


It’s Been More Impactful Than Any 20 Group Meeting. Ever.

This conference sets their sights on proven strategies. The speakers and presenters are still operating Auto Repair Shops, not people distanced from the day to day challenges. Their insight have been beneficial to all those that have attended.

The Drive Of Ratchet & Wrench Is To Grow Auto Repair Shops

The fact that Ratchet & Wrench wants to make your Auto Repair Shop thrive is right in line with our mission. So there is no surprise this made it to our list. Building your auto repair shop is by far our number one goal and to find a conference that sings the same tune is just great!


These are just some of the reasons we keep going back to sponsor this one of a kind conference. Want to learn more about what is happening between the two days? Click Here To View Schedule

If you are already going to the conference make sure to stop by our booth! If you are considering going: You Can Click Here To Register


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