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Why Your Auto Repair Shop's Next CRM Will Not Send Emails Or Mail Postcards

Posted by Mike Maccarino on |

2 min read

Just think about it, what do you do when you receive mail? For me, it usually ends up in the recycling or shredded. The amount of money that is wasted on paper and postage in the 21st century is insane. In other words, it is time to stop feeding people’s recycling bin. According to DMA, Data & Marketing Association, 121.2 Billion pieces of mail were received in 2017.

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The other method that is just as bad- sending emails. When it comes to emails, I definitely judge a book by its cover, or in this case the headline. If the headline is too sales heavy or lacks a human touch it doesn’t get opened and goes straight to the trash. What if we send a text message- that would be way too intrusive, right?


So, if direct mailing is dead, emails end up in the trash right away, and sending text messages are invading personal boundaries. What ends up being the best way to contact your customers to continue repeat business? Remarketing Ads through Facebook and Google AdWords is the answer! The best thing about having your CRM serve remarketing through Facebook and Google AdWords is that it is cost-effective, results can be instantaneous and results in a higher ROI (See our articles: How to Quantify ROI from Facebook and How to Quantify ROI from Google Adwords).


In the end, it is best to save your money from going into someone’s recycling bin and put it into an effective form of remarketing with Facebook and Google AdWord ads. You will be at the forefront of your customer’s mind, which, will allow for more return visits. Business Actualization’s Next CRM is going to be the next big thing in the Auto Repair industry. Stay tuned for more updates!


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