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Your Auto Repair Direct Mail Campaign Should Target All Levels of The Sales Funnel Not Just The Bottom

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Targeting your customers with an auto repair direct mail campaign takes more than sending your customers a coupon for your services. This is where your sales funnel comes into play. You want to get your target audience engaged well before they ever enter your establishment. 

Consumers should look to you as the expert in the field; the only auto repair center they want to visit. This is easily accomplished by targeting every level of the sales funnel, not strictly focusing on the end result, the sale.

Starting at the Top

Before you jump in head first with your direct mail campaign, you need to know:  how does a marketing funnel work?  It might surprise you to learn that the first step is not closing the sale. At the top of the funnel you need to gently introduce your audience to your company and what you have to offer rather than just jumping in for the kill. This means rather than strictly sending a coupon in the hopes that consumers will jump at the chance to save a few dollars, you should give them a reason or a value for coming to your service center. They want you to engage them with content, videos and advice, giving them a reason to consider you as the expert they should come to when they need auto service.


Heading to the Middle of the Funnel

When you have the captive audience that you desire, it is time to move to the middle of the sales funnel. In automotive direct mail marketing, this means that you have gained the trust of your intended audience and now you need to engage them. This is the point your potential customers become leads. Direct your target audience to a landing page. On that page, consumers can ask for advice, join a loyalty program or sign up for an offer. This is an example of how direct mail marketing can be used at all levels of the sales funnel. We can also make a digital connection to the consumer so that we can follow-up without sending another costly direct mail piece.  


Reaching the Bottom

In auto repair direct mail there are reasons targeting the bottom of the funnel is not enough. Yes, this is where you make the sale, but you need to take them through the entire funnel. Once you reach the bottom and have obtained a customer, the funnel starts all over again as you try to retain that customer. The process should continue as long as you want to gain and keep new customers.

If you are looking for a way to target your auto repair direct mail to landing pages and connect your traditional marketing to an inbound digital strategy, contact us. We are the experts in auto repair shop marketing campaigns and can help you target your audience at all levels of the sales funnel.