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Exclusive $500 Credit to Qualifying Existing Google Ads Client Accounts

Posted by Jennifer Meyer on |

2 min read

In a groundbreaking move to boost the marketing efforts of auto repair and collision repair shops, Business Actualization announced an exclusive offer for Google Ads Clients. This collaboration brought forth an unprecedented offer: a $500 credit for qualifying existing clients' Google Ads accounts. This was particularly noteworthy because Google rarely applies promotions to existing accounts, usually reserving these offers for new accounts.

A Strategic Partnership
This initiative marked a significant milestone in the auto repair marketing industry. Business Actualization, known for its innovative marketing strategies, strategically partnered with Google Ads to provide this exclusive credit. The offer was extended to qualifying clients, providing them with a substantial advantage in their online advertising campaigns.

Empowering Auto Repair Businesses
The $500 Google Ads credit was designed to empower auto repair and collision repair shops by enhancing their digital marketing capabilities. This credit appeared on the selected clients' most recent Google Ads billing statements, enabling them to immediately benefit from increased online visibility and customer engagement.

Supporting Growth and Success
Business Actualization's mission is to support the success and growth of auto repair businesses through cutting-edge marketing strategies. This Google Ads credit exemplified the company's dedication to helping its clients achieve their goals. By leveraging this credit, businesses could drive more traffic to their websites, attract new customers, and ultimately increase their revenue.

Looking Ahead
Business Actualization remains committed to continuing its support for auto repair and collision repair shops. This initiative was just one of many ways the company aims to drive the industry forward. With the power of Google Ads, clients can expect even greater success in their marketing efforts.