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Highlights from 2023 for Auto Shop Marketing with Business Actualization

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

2 min read

  • Performance Reporting Enhancements: We've amplified reporting for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Programmatic, Google Business Profiles, and Website Performance.

  • Website Enhancements: Improved designs, SEO optimization, and multi-location capabilities, ensuring a superior online presence.

  • All New Google Ads Search Campaign: Complete rebuild our Google Ads Search Campaign tools. These enhancements turbocharge our clients light years ahead of their competition.

  • AI-Generated Google Ad Text: Experience personalized Google Ad text generated by our cutting-edge Google Ad Text AI GPT. Meticulously trained using our best practices developed over the past 28 years and is then reviewed by our team of auto shop marketing experts.

  • Customer Retargeting and Retention Marketing: Harness the power of Programmatic Advertising to re-engage previous customers, securing top-of-mind awareness and driving repeat service visits, leaving other targeting tactics in the dust.

  • AI-Powered Website Chat: Our website chat feature is now powered by AI and pre-loaded with common questions and answers to engage and convert leads and previous customers visiting your website.

  • AI-Generated Review Response Drafts: Our review platform benefits from AI-generated review response drafts for efficient and effective reputation management.

  • Google Ads Local: A new entry-level Google Ads service for businesses that have never leveraged Google Ads or have small ad spend budgets.