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The State Of Auto Repair Shop Marketing Actualization

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

1 min read

2014 was a period of exciting new opportunities for Auto Repair Shop Owners. The environment in which we conduct business has fundamentally changed, and many of us have seen that business as usual has changed with it. The place of traditional marketing, like direct mail postcards, radio, and TV, are being replaced by more effective strategies. My opinion is that, the automotive industry is not doing a very good job of keeping up with the digital marketing trends occurring in lateral industries.

Auto Repair Shop MarketingIt may seem like this is a recurring theme; that everything is changing. It is, and I've been preaching it for more than 15 years. In the second half of 2016, rest assured that there will be a new digital marketing trend to jump on the bandwagon of. My advice through these times is to always learn about everything, or find a trusted resource that is on the cutting edge. Then, invest and implement, accepting that your current solutions may be replaced.

Being progressive requires a cycle of adopting and implementing. Then, learn from the process and move on to the next best solution.

Is your auto repair shop fully engaged in branding and marketing itself?