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5 Reasons Your Auto Repair Shop Marketing Ideas Should Be Fueled By You

Posted by Adam Kushner on |

3 min read

Using the right marketing strategies for your auto repair shop is essential if you to succeed. While many shops turn over their repair shop marketing to an experienced marketing company, it is still important to provide input and assistance so they can build a more successful campaign. You and your team are an integral part of developing effective auto repair shop marketing.

You Know Your Customers

You understand who your customers are better than any marketing company ever could. While they have the right experience to reach your audience through your website, blog and other avenues, they don’t always know who you are trying to reach. Your team can provide valuable input on who your current customers are and who you want to reach so they can work on developing personas that result in obtaining more leads.

CRM and auto repair shopYour Unique Perspective

It can be useful to gain an outside perspective on your repair shop marketing. For instance, a fact you may take for granted may stand out to your marketing company as something you should address with your prospects. However, even the most experienced marketing firm won’t have the same perspective as you and your employees. Providing valuable insight into the workings of your business can help generate new auto repair shop marketing ideas.

An Emotional Connection

While your marketing company may specialize in marketing strategies for auto repair shops, they don’t have the same drive to succeed as you do. You have an emotional connection to your repair shop. Many owners feel as if their shop is an extension of themselves. This means you will pay more attention to the minute details that can have a greater impact on your success.  Finding a marketing company with this same connection to the automotive industry is key.

You Have a Vision for Your Branding

Think back to when you started your auto repair shop. You probably had a vision of what you wanted your branding to look like and who you wanted to help. Your repair shop marketing should be a seamless continuation of that branding. When you step in with your own auto repair marketing ideas, you can help the marketing company successfully implement your branding.

building-the-digital-reputation-of-your-shopReduce Your Costs

A marketing company will be able to help you with all aspects of your marketing strategies. However, you may have time or the skills to handle certain parts of the plan. For instance, you may prefer to post your own content, but you have no idea how to even begin writing it. A good marketing company will allow you to be involved as much or as little as you are comfortable with.

Good marketing strategies for auto repair shops often require the shop owner to be involved in the process. However, many shops think they can hire a company that specializes in repair shop marketing and forget about it. Unfortunately, this approach isn’t likely to produce the results you want. Don’t be afraid to share your auto repair marketing ideas with your marketing company.

If you are ready to start working with an experienced company on your auto repair shop marketing, contact us. We can help you develop a successful repair shop marketing strategy to bring more cars into your shop.

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